There are two main reasons to buy hand grips:
1. Better Grip and
2. Proactive Injury protection.
Hand protection grips are essential in helping you protect your hands from the pain of injuries, blisters, calluses and sweaty, slippery hands during your workouts, allowing you to improve your reps, increase your endurance and you will never have to miss a workout again.
RooGrips are the Swiss Army knives of CrossFit grips – perfect for weightlifting and gymnastics, but specifically designed to endure all the hand-torturing exercises CrossFit throws at you, like muscle-ups, kipping pull-ups and toes-to-bar.
RooGrips not only protect your hands but provide a better grip too, facilitating smoother and more controlled movements.
The question is, which grips to choose?
We break down the differences between fingerless (no hole) hand grips and non-fingerless (2 hole and 3 hole) grips, making it easier for you to choose the best option for your needs.